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A Time to Remember- Kilkenny Memories of Covid 19


Kilkenny County Council Library Service is inviting people to send in their memories, experiences and observations of the COVID-19 Pandemic to be part of our living history during this time.

The idea is to give people an opportunity to document their experiences so they can be preserved and future historians will understand what it looked and felt like.


 Kilkenny County Council Service will create a community memoir which will be available for everyone to access via its digital archive -  where it will become a collection in its own right.

 We will also create a Kilkenny Covid Kids Zone where all material received from children up to 12 years of age will available on the digital archive.

These can be sent to us in a range of formats: -

·         Written (poems, short stories, short anecdotes, letters, diary entries)

·         Visual (art, drawings, photos)

·         Multimedia (short video, podcasts, recordings)

We can accept printed material up to A4 size and multimedia entries.

All material will be quarantined after receipt as per public health guidelines.

A copyright form will be required to be completed to ensure compliance with copyright legislation.

When submitting, people could think about our personal experience and how we are dealing with situations in our daily lives, how have our priorities changed, what is more precious to us now, what do we miss and what are we thankful for.

We welcome all of your material to this collection as we travel on this Covid 19 journey together.

You can submit your entries by using our online submission form below:

Alternatively you can contact us by email , by phone (056) 7794160 or by writing to us at Kilkenny County Council Library Headquarters, Johns Green House, Johns Green, Kilkenny if you are interested in submitting material to this collection.

The latest date for submission is Thursday December 31st but we will be adding material to the collection as we receive it.